What I believe in
Take the Lead offers dog training tailored to individual dog breeds and characters. Everyone knows that to really bond with and enjoy the company of a dog they are much more of a pleasure to have around if they are well trained.
In today’s society there are a lot more dog owners out walking their dogs and with this comes the need to have a dog trained to the best of it's ability. It is not always the dog at fault either. More often than not it is the owner that doesn't see the problem and just thinks that it is the nature of the dog. This maybe so but the owner can develop a bond with their dog that will give the owner more enjoyment when out walking and the dog more trust in their owner when they take more responsibility and show the dog that they are the Alfa in the human/dog pack.
If you can "Think dog" you will find that you will be able to anticipate what the dog is about to do and it doesn’t take you that long to get this side of your training into gear.
Our philosophy at Take the Lead is two fold
“Example, Repetition equals perfection”.
"Being firm but fair".
You will develop a fantastic bond with your dog whatever breed it is and you will have this for the rest of it's life. So go out and enjoy your lives together.