Home From Home
Take the Lead offers a home from home boarding service.
This part of the company is based at our home where we have a very large kitchen, utility room and hall. All the dogs are able to make themselves at home as if they had never left their own home. There are four very large dog crates which if they need or want to, they can have a bit of time out in one of them. There are also three kidney shaped beds with bedding supplied by us. We prefer that if your dog is coming for a period of time that you supply clean bedding for their stay.
There is a large enclosed south to south west garden which they also use.
Depending on numbers I will take them all out for a walk together, or if I have a number of walks to do in the day they will get split and some will get out and I then will come back and rotate them around.
We ask that you bring a supply of food for the dog’s duration and that it is brought in a sealed container so that no other dog decides to help themselves to it!!